- ambient lighting
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Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Lighting — Not to be confused with lightning. For other uses, see lighting (disambiguation). Low intensity lighting and haze in a concert hall allows laser effects to be visible … Wikipedia
Ambient intelligence — In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that… … Wikipedia
Ambient occlusion — is a shading method used in 3D computer graphics which helps add realism to local reflection models by taking into account attenuation of light due to occlusion. Unlike local methods like Phong shading, ambient occlusion is a global method,… … Wikipedia
Ambient light — (also available light or existing light) is a term used by photographers, cinematographers and other practitioners of the visual arts to refer to the illumination surrounding a subject or scene, specifically any and all light not provided by the… … Wikipedia
Ambient occlusion — Использованы модели (сверху вниз): прямого освещения, Ambient occlusion (AO)и комбинированная модель AO и прямого освещения Ambient occlusion (AO) модель затенения, используемая в трёхмерной графике и позволяющая добавить реалистичности… … Википедия
lighting — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bright, good, harsh, strong ▪ bad, low, poor ▪ dim, soft … Collocations dictionary
Ambient Occlusion — Anwendung von AO Umgebungsverdeckung (englisch Ambient Occlusion, AO) ist eine Shading Methode, die in der 3D Computergrafik verwendet wird, um mit relativ kurzer Renderzeit eine realistische Verschattung von Szenen zu erreichen. Das Ergebnis ist … Deutsch Wikipedia
ambient — adj. Ambient is used with these nouns: ↑condition, ↑humidity, ↑lighting, ↑music, ↑noise, ↑sound, ↑temperature … Collocations dictionary
Ambient Light — F/A/V General, nondirectional, room light. (Lighting) … Audio and video glossary
ambient light — the natural light (usually soft) or surrounding light around a subject in a scene; also see background lighting … Glossary of cinematic terms
Bicycle lighting — has two purposes: seeing and being seen. There are many types of bicycle lights available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no one best solution for any rider, and many riders mix and match different technologies to… … Wikipedia